Sunday, July 26, 2009

Disappearing Followers

I used to be great at solving mysteries and had earned the name Sherlock Holmes because if someone lost something where I was working and they asked me for help I usually could find it or solve it. But now I am at a loss when I view my blog to find my followers. I even tried on layout deleting the 'gadget' or whatever and then adding it again. Still I can see no followers. I've asked Helpline for Bloggers with no answers so far but I did find out there are lots and lots of Bloggers with this same problem. Some say the followers do materialize but others like me say nothing has happened to correct the problem. The followers I had told me when they view my blog they can see the followers information. It is very frustrating and a pain. I wish I had some answers. I know I'm fairly new at blogging but there should be definite answers to this problem on the help site, don't you think?

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Earlier this week I was driving home from a trip to Auburn, CA on Hwy. 193 in Cool when I suddenly had a flashback to the night my beloved Timmy died.(It didn't affect my driving, honest.) I was reliving the moment he fell off the end table onto the floor, seeing that frightened look on his face as he tried to get up but couldn't. Then he was dragging himself across the floor to Barney. I was rushing to him, talking to him, loving him, trying to get him to breathe again and realizing my wonderful kitty was dying and then was gone. I was so startled and the experience was so hard having to relive it again that when I got home I just found a quiet place to reflect on this experience. Maybe it was Timmy reaching out to me telling me he misses me and loves me. Also he might have been telling me that there was nothing I could do to save him. Maybe one of these days another kitty will need me like he needed me 10 plus years ago when he was 6 weeks old and weighed 1 lb. Time will tell.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Another ending of another era

The Gold Country Monthly came to an abrupt end in June due to the economy and not enough advertisers to support the paper. So with that ending came the end of my Pet Column writing for the time being. What I'm hoping to do is create a newsletter on a special letterhead I recently created to send to friends and family. For the time being it would be by email but who knows it might end up being mailed out to those of you whose email addresses I don't have. Time will tell. Any writing I do will appear on my blog so please keep in touch and keep checking in with me.