Sunday, July 26, 2009

Disappearing Followers

I used to be great at solving mysteries and had earned the name Sherlock Holmes because if someone lost something where I was working and they asked me for help I usually could find it or solve it. But now I am at a loss when I view my blog to find my followers. I even tried on layout deleting the 'gadget' or whatever and then adding it again. Still I can see no followers. I've asked Helpline for Bloggers with no answers so far but I did find out there are lots and lots of Bloggers with this same problem. Some say the followers do materialize but others like me say nothing has happened to correct the problem. The followers I had told me when they view my blog they can see the followers information. It is very frustrating and a pain. I wish I had some answers. I know I'm fairly new at blogging but there should be definite answers to this problem on the help site, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. The problem was solved thanks to a nice person who responded to my question on Blog Help Forum. So the problem is fixed and I can see my followers.
